The old man sat down on the bench.
His grey hair told his age.
The student who'd been
there before
sniffed once, and turned a page.
The old man gently touched his sleeve
"excuse me, son" said he.
The student turned his
head, surprised,
what could the trouble be?
"Why study so" the old man asked,
"will you tell this to me?"
The youth replied "so I
may go
to University."
"And after you have studied there"
the old man asked, "then what?"
"Then I will find a
well-paid job
with the degree I've got."
The old man sighed. "What after that?"
he asked with quivering voice.
"Then I will set
up homestead with
the lady of my choice."
"And after this," the old man probed
"What will life hold - tell me!"
"W-why then," replied
the shaken youth
"I'll raise a family."
"And when they've all grown up and gone
what will be left for you?"
"I shall grow old,
my wife and I.
Yes, that is what we'll do."
"I know all this" the old man said,
"This was my tale as well;
but after you've grown
old, my son,
What will you do, pray tell?"
"Why then I'll die," the student quipped
"when I'm three score and ten."
"And after that"
the old man cried,
"and after death, WHAT THEN?"